Blog entries
2021 Posts
WordPress Plug-in Development using TDD, Docker and WpUnitTestCase
Setting up Jest for a browser based JavaScript project
Setup a restricted machine for node development
Javascript Promises, Async and Await tips and tricks
How to comment your JavaScript code with JSDoc
Install a Windows 10 development machine with docker, WSL 2 and asdf
Prepare Django for Docker deployment and development.
Mongo DB and Mongo Express using Docker
Django tooling with Pipenv, Pre-Commit, GitHub actions and PostgreSQL
JavaScript Functional Programming - Advanced Topics
2020 Posts
TypeScript Development Setup
JavaScript Functional Programming - Concepts
JavaScript Functional Programming - Introduction
Create developer presentations with MDX Deck - Part 2
Increase the SLL Labs Test Grade in your Web Server
Create developer presentations with MDX Deck - Part 1
Python Cheat Sheets (Python, Django, Pipenv)
React Storybook Intro and Setup
Configure Intelephense to recognize WordPress, Genesis Framework and ACF Functions
Configure Eslint, Prettier, Husky and Lint-Staged for WordPress Development
Batch upload videos to youtube using Youtube Uploader
Vim setup for Web Development - Php, JavaScript, (S)CSS, JXS, WordPress, Python
Create a Pure Javascript Scroll Counter
Simple Mac OS setup for flutter development
My (Neo)Vim Cheat Sheet
Develop for AWS S3, DynamoDB, RDS and API Gateway locally using Serverless
Deploy your first AWS Lambda function using the Serverless Framework
Install and Manage PostgreSQL in a Mac with Homebrew
Certbot Introduction and Basic Usage with Nginx and Apache
Setup a Mac OS computer to develop DataScience solutions with Python and VSCode
Create a WordPress Multisite Settings Page
Getting Started with React Material-UI
Use Gulp and Webpack together for you asset bundling needs
Ansible introduction for developers