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Mongo DB and Mongo Express using Docker

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This is just a simple exercise on how to use Docker to locally run MongoDB and Mongo Express.

The main problem that we’re going to solve, is how to run both images and have them communicate to each other since by default Docker doesn’t allow that.

Additionally we’re going to do this procedure using the docker command, and then using docker-compose.


The only prerequisite to follow allong is to have Docker installed.

If you are running a Mac with Homebrew you can install it with:

brew install docker --cask

You should now have a docker menu in the Mac task bar:

Docker in the menu bar

To be sure that the installation as successful , run the getting-started image:

docker run -p 80:8080 --name getting-started docker/getting-started
 # Stop with ^C

And visit the url http://localhost:8080 to get to the getting started application.

Docker Getting Started Image

Docker Cheat Sheet

I’m not going to explain how Docker works. For that there are a lot of in depth tutorials. But I’m going to leave here a list of useful commands, some of them that we’re going to use. So you don’t have to go hunting into the documentation.

docker pull <image>Downloads an image without starting it
docker imagesList of downloaded images
docker image rm <id>Remove the image with id <id>. It’s better to use the id instead of the name in case you have multiple version of the same service
docker run <image>Starts the image. This is creating a container
docker run -d <image>Starts the image in detached mode
docker run -p 1234:9876 <image>Runs an image binding the local port 1234 to the container port 9876
docker run --name <image>Run the image with a custom image
docker psList of running images
docker ps -aList of running and stopped images
docker stop <id>Stops the container with the id <id>
docker start <id>Re-starts an already created container (crated with docker run)
docker log <id>Output of the image with id <id>
docker exec -it <id> <command>Run the command <command> (pe. /bin/bash) in the running container interactively
docker network lsList the available networks
docker network create <name>Create a new network
docker run --network <name> <image>Runs the image <image> on the network <network>

Download images

We do this to save up time since some images are very big:

Mongo DB

Use the official image

docker pull mongo
docker images

Mongo Express

Also use the official image

docker pull mongo-express
docker images

Intro to docker networks

While the images download lest explain a little how Docker networks work.

The most important thing to keep in mind, is that each container has its own network, and that you can’t access one network from another. That’s why, by default, 2 containers can’t communicate.

But we can create our own network!

As long as we deploy multiple containers in the same network they not only can communicate, but they can refer to each other just by the container name and not by IP.

Still, if you want to access a container from outside the network, say from your physical laptop, you have to communicate by their exposed ports.

So, what we have to do is:

Create the network

Docker provides by default some networks

docker network ls

We can use some of those networks to make our containers communicate with each other, but to make our environment more portable, is better to create a new one:

docker network create mongo-express-network

Being mongo-express-network the name we need to use. This means that when we startup our containers, we have to provide the mongo-express-network in the command line

Persisting the data

To persist data we need to create a Docker Volume by passing the -v flag followed by the parammeters of the shared volume.

But to understand that, we need to talk about the 3 types of volumes that Docker supports:

Host volumes

Here you decide on the host system where to copy de data from the container.

-v /local/path:/var/lib/mysql/data

The first path is the local path, and the second path is the container path with the information we want to persist.

Anonymous volumes

Here you let decide Docker where in the local host, copy the data from the container. Under wraps, Docker will copy the data inside the /var/lib/docker/volumes/<random>/_data without us needing to specify it.

-v /var/lib/mysql/data

Notice you don’t provide a host source path

Named volumes

This is the one you’ll probably use.

It’s kind of a combination of the previous 2, where you provide a name for the host’s path but Docker finally decides where in the local file system the information will be stored. You still need to provide the container’s absolute path.

-v mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql/data

The advantage of this method is that you can reference this volume from another connected container.

Running the containers on a network

Now that we have a network created, we can boot our containers connecting them by the just created network.

But before we do that, I have to point out that both images require that you pass environment variables using the -e flag when issuing the docker command


According to the documentation, you need to provide MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME, MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD.

So let’s start the Mongo image using the name mongodb with:

docker run -d \
-p 27017:27017 \
--name mongodb \
-v mongodb-data:/data/db \
--net mongo-express-network \

To verify that it’s running issue:

docker logs mongodb


This has a lot of variables, but only ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINUSERNAME and ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINPASSWORD are required.

Also, the ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER is important, since that instructs Mongo Express to connect with which service. In our case it should be mongodb since that’s the name we used in the previous step.

docker run -d \
-p 8081:8081 \
--name mongo-express \
--net mongo-express-network \

And if you go to http://localhost:8081 you should see something like this:

Mongo Express

Removing the containers and the networks

Before you continue. You have to delete all the containers and networks with:

docker rm mongodb mongo-express
docker network rm mongo-express-network

Doing it with Docker Compose

What we just did works great, but wouldn’t it be nice if we could do that with just one command and without all those parammeters?

Well, it turns out that you can, by using the docker-compose command. Which is part of the Docker installation.

You just need to create a yaml file with the following sections:

version: "3"

  # ...
  # ...
  # ...

Only version and services are required. But we’re going to use the 4 sections to have a complete network with the 2 services.

So, re-creating the 3 commands we executed a while ago with docker-compose file would be:

# mongo-express.yml
version: "3"

    image: mongo
    container_name: mongodb
      - 27017:27017
      - mongodb-data

    image: mongo-express
    container_name: mongo-express
      - 8081:8081

    name: mongo-express-network

    driver: local

One important thing to notice is that you pass environment values by separating the name from the value by = instead of :.

Now, let’s test this, issuing the command:

docker-compose -f mongo-express.yml up -d

-d tu run it in detached mode

You can now visit http://localhost:8081 and verify that Mongo Express is running.

To stop all the services, you issue:

docker-compose -f mongo-express.yaml down

Final thoughts

Hope you find this article helpful and is a big recommendation that you checkout a complete Docker tutorial.